Guangrun Wang 王广润

Research Fellow in the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK
Technical Advisor and Consultant on the AI Research Team at Aistetic, Oxford, UK

(I am in Oxford) (I am at TVG)(The Great AI Lab)(Media Report on Me)
Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PJ
wanggrun at or at

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Short Bio

I am currently a Research Fellow in the Department of Engineering Science at University of Oxford, working with Prof. Philip H. S. Torr. I am also a Technical Advisor and Consultant on the AI Research Team at Aistetic, Oxford, UK. Prior to that, I obtained my Ph.D. in the HCP Lab of Sun Yat-sen University, advised by Prof. Liang Lin. I also worked as a visiting scholar in the MMLab of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, mentored by Prof. Ping Luo and Prof. Xiaogang Wang.

I will be leading "The Great AI Lab" (Generative Representations: Explorer And Transformer, Super Alignment Platform).

Research Focus:

  • AI General Representation Learning: 2D, 3D, NLP, especially for generative models or "unified models";

  • AI Super Alignment;

  • AI Task Self-Discovery and AI for Science;

  • I am looking for visiting students/interns for our group in these fields. Please drop me an email if interested.

    His GPA was 95, ranking 1st in his class. He received the 2018 Pattern Recognition Best Paper Award. He won several worldwide competition medals, such as Kaggle data mining gold (out of about 1000 teams), silver, and bronze medals. He ranked 1st in the PASCAL VOC segmentation leaderboard for months. His team ranked 1st/2nd place out of 2322 teams in FashionAI Global Challenge. He was awarded Wu Wen-Jun Best Doctoral Dissertation Award (only nine people were awarded in China in 2021). He was on the list of Top Chinese Rising Stars in Artificial Intelligence. He won 1st in the 2015 Graduate Innovation Funding of the High-Performance Computing Collaborative Innovation Center (only nine graduate students were awarded in China that year). He won two National Scholarships. He was awarded as an Outstanding Student of Guangdong Province. He was awarded SYSU Excerpts of Dissertation (Top 5%) and SYSU Outstanding Graduate (Top 5%). He was awarded an Excellent intern in DMAI (the first employee to have this honor). He has two ESI Highly Cited Papers. He was recognized as a top reviewer of NeurIPS 2022, a highlighted reviewer of ICLR 2022, an outstanding reviewer of ICLR 2021, an outstanding reviewer of NeurIPS 2021, and an Outstanding Reviewer of ICCV 2021, a Distinguished Senior Program Committee member of IJCAI (only 18 members, announced at the IJCAI-21 Opening Ceremony). He has been fortunate enough to serve several times as a reviewer for the papers of Turing Prize winners.

    He serves as a Distinguished Senior Program Committee member (only 18 members, announced at the IJCAI-21 Opening Ceremony) and a Senior PC for IJCAI, Program Committee Board of IJCAI (PCB for 2022, 2023, and 2024), SIX TIMES as top/highlighted/outstanding reviewer for NeurIPS, ICLR and ICCV, conference reviewer for COLM, ICML, NeurIPS, ACL, CVPR, AAAI, ECCV, EMNLP, EACL, IJCNLP, NAACL, AACL, WACV, ACCV, PRCV, journal reviewer for TMLR, ISPRS, T-PAMI, T-Cybernetics, T-NNLS, T-IP, T-CSVT, Pattern Recognition, IEEE Access, ISPL, JVCI, IEEE/CAA JAS, IPM, IF, DT, a workshop co-organizer of CVPR 2023 and ICML 2024.

    He has obtained double Bachelor Degrees, including Engineering and Business.

    Recent Talks

    I gave a talk at the University of Cambridge on Nov 25, 2023.

    I gave a talk at StitchFix Algo Hour on Nov 21, 2023.


    Pattern Recognition

    Software Design Projects

    Computer Vision